Monday, January 28, 2008

Episode Eighty-Four: Make Me a Woman!

Now it's gotten ridiculous. Pneumonia!

Off to surgery for us for surgery. More as I know it.

Kippot pictures just didn't work out. I'm bummed because I've already delivered them to the Synagogue. I do, however, have Broadstreet mitten pics for you.

These are in "Metamorphic" Socks That Rock.

This is in "Sherbet". 
Chapters 16-17 today! Whoo hoo!

Friday, January 18, 2008

Episode Eighty-three: Requiem for a Friend

I lose a friend with whom I simply did not get to spend enough time, we listen to chapters 14-15, I link you to a weave-a-licious blog post of Dawn's, I continue to wrap wire, look for reeds, and read, and thus I give you a quote from Ms. Shelley:

Nothing contributes so much to tranquilizing the mind as a steady purpose—a point on which the soul may fix its intellectual eye.


Incentive Muggage! Donate in January for your very own!

Looms. The rigid heddle has--for reasons unknown to me--been turned vertically with the heddle on the other side from the photographer.

And I must send out my heartfelt thanks to all who wrote to me this week. Your kind words meant the world to me, truly.

Thor and my husband in their traditional Rugby Nancy's wedding...

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Temporary Delay

I was going to podcast last night, but couldn't.

Then I was going to podcast tonight, but I can't.
If I'm not on a plane home from Atlanta tomorrow, I'll try to do it then.


Because a really good man died in Kabul. For the first 24 hours he was just "and an American". Now the news is out. Thor D. Hesla. More from my family here, here and here.

I'll be back to Frankenstein as soon as I can.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Episode Eighty-two: Winter With Me in the Alps...

Today, we stay with the Creature's narrative about his life with the De Lacey family during chapters 12 and 13. I announce the final winnah of the Jen Minnis Craftlit Charm! (Yay Barbara of IL! Yay Jen of Serious Talent!)

Knitting Out Loud has some new books to listen to (Huzzah the Rutt!) and Interweave announces it's latest fête, Crafty TV. The New Yorker talks medical ethics (I love good timing). I get to hang with Enchanting Juno, get an assist from Becky, and you--you lucky things--can win this yarn from CheekyRedHead in the January '08 Donation Drawing Extravaganza!
And one pair of my little Cat Bordhi baby booties.