Saturday, November 10, 2007

Episode Seventy-six: Back in the Saddle

Well, I'm not 100% but I can talk for chunks of time now so that's a step in the right direction.

Kaylea of Chicago is our new Charm Winner for the Month of October. Debbie Brunner is the dyer responsible for these spectacular socks,

and there was something else to put up here but I cannot for the life of me remember what it was.

Still mushy in the brain.

Come see me on Facebook. I made a little group for us there and am trying to get a podcast player onto the apps page.


  1. Yeah! Woo Hoo! I am glad you are back. I will download the show when I get home from work. Kathy C.

  2. Your voice sounds so much better. I'm listening to the show now. The fourth Harry Potter contest is still going on so e-mail a photo of the socks with your HP name.

  3. Anonymous10:25 AM

    Recycled silk is actually made from the thrums or waste fibers left over from weaving silk saris.

    you can also get recycled silk and recycled banana fiber yarn from the wool peddler (

    Mary L.

  4. Hi Heather

    Could you please update the link to the gallery? It takes me to a non-existent yahoo photos page and says the album has moved to flickr. On going to flickr and searching i dont find any photos.

    - Shweta S


and then you said...