Thursday, April 27, 2006

Episode Two: Auntie Alpaca

Welcome to Episode 2!
In this episode I rave about The Girl From Auntie, but neglect to mention the name of the Poncho Sweater, and go on about Alpacas d’Auxvasse (not to mention Ann Mayes).

We’ll also move on to chapters five and six in Pride and Prejudice, narrated by Annie Coleman. And, as always, intro music is provided by who hosted Joshua Christian’s “Chasing Hiro.”

I'm still having feed issues so don't hesitate to contact me directly if you're having trouble getting the PodCast! Don't want you to miss any of the book!

And this is Gabirel--from whence my Alpaca fleece came.


  1. I just listened to episode 2 and enjoyed it...thanks for the shout out!

  2. Thanks for mentioning me too! My name is pronounced Joe-seal. But don't feel too bad. No one says it right. That's the bad part of having a unique name. When I was young, I always wanted to be Laura, or Jennifer, etc. But now I like this weird name thing.


and then you said...