Thursday, February 12, 2009

Some cool things--YAY CORALINE, Yay Graveyard Book!
Yay teeny-weeny sweaters!

Yay Tikabelle!

Yay Getting Things Done in creative ways!

Yay cables without a cable needle (there're good videos on YouTube, too).

Yay Clear Scientists! (Maybe start with the CalTech lecture.)

Waiting for a schematic or information on the Cardi may be the most frogged pattern I've ever seen on Ravelry! Sadly...

Yay artists' sketchbooks online!

George Orwell (love this!)

Kewl Austen site (fun)


  1. Heather! I am so excited that you are a teacher at sock summit- oh man, if I could be a fly on the wall in the teachers' lounge at that one. I doubt that I will be able to go, what with monetary constraints and all, but knowing that you will be there makes the minuscule possibility that much more sweet. Have a spectacular time, and take so many pictures.


  2. Those teeny tiny sweaters! Insane!

  3. oh, that's kick ass! I'm looking forward to this movie coming out. wow, I can't wait to see all of her work. That's SOOOO cool. I must share this with friends.


and then you said...