Today we begin the real trial for Victor as the Creature speaks (that miserable!)! As does former student Anahad O'Connor! (Buy his book!)
Don't watch this part unless you don't mind spoilers:
If you love to work with your hands, you may find your knitting, spinning, crocheting, painting, potting, is cutting into your reading time. I'm here to help!
Today we begin the real trial for Victor as the Creature speaks (that miserable!)! As does former student Anahad O'Connor! (Buy his book!)
Posted by
7:07 PM
Labels: Frankenstein
Today, once again, I reference Young Frankenstein, blather about Cat Bordhi's new sock book* ( it. Really. Even if you don't knit socks), and generally wax rhapsodic about Frankenstein.
Posted by
8:57 AM
Labels: Frankenstein
Actually, fifty eight degrees and sunny...but I'm watching the news with all sorts of weather advisories for my old haunts in NY and...I know I'm nuts...I miss the snow.
I don't miss the grey or the slush, but I do miss snow.
Ah get the picture.
The one link I mention in this cast is: Jeanie at Checkitout!
Today, Chapters 6-7...there will be more monster...O Yes...there will be...
Posted by
10:02 AM
Labels: Frankenstein
Not much in the way of show notes this week. Chapters 3-5...which includes the awakening of said monster.
Posted by
9:13 PM
Labels: Frankenstein
You can thank (blame?) Dawn for this.
A spinning wheel too far.
The song I've been living by lately ("Just Breathe (2am)" by Anna Nalik). Perhaps you should download a copy too, from iTunes (to make up for me using the song on the 'Cast...)?
A competition you should take part in so you can be featured like my bud Lyn.
Some amazing tapestry sites to look at: Barbara Heller's (look at Gallery One and see the 9/11 tapestry and the Afghani woman...yeesh! Tapestry never looked so amazing to me before!); American Tapestry Alliance; Desert Tapestry Weavers--our local hookup; Selvedge a textile mag;
Textile the British textile mag; awesome tapestry looms (to buy!).
Chapters 1-2.
Posted by
3:09 PM
Labels: Frankenstein
So it looks like podcasting will be sporadic for a few weeks yet. I'm so sorry about this! I'd wanted to host an interview today and fell asleep. They've got me on Prednisone for the (infernal) asthma. Yes, it's post-9/11 lung fun. Yes, it should get better. No, Prednisone does not like me. But it does seem to like my lungs...or my lungs like it. I'm breathing better but I'm feeling very VERY vague.
The DH prefers vague to hacking up a lung. I think I'm with him on that.
My goal is to record this weekend. As always, though, I'll keep you posted.
While you're waiting, take a look at OH! and I'm waaaay behind, but I've hit 10,000 words on my NaNoWriMo novel.
Off to rest again.
Posted by
2:13 PM
Labels: Newsy Bits
Well, I'm not 100% but I can talk for chunks of time now so that's a step in the right direction.
Kaylea of Chicago is our new Charm Winner for the Month of October. Debbie Brunner is the dyer responsible for these spectacular socks,
and there was something else to put up here but I cannot for the life of me remember what it was.
Still mushy in the brain.
Come see me on Facebook. I made a little group for us there and am trying to get a podcast player onto the apps page.
Posted by
3:33 PM
Labels: Frankenstein
I have laryngitis. I've had it since Tuesday. I have no idea what this will mean for all of us...but...My fingers are crossed that I'll be able to record tomorrow.
Think happy thoughts...
Update, Dateline, Nov 3:
I can talk but only for about 10 minutes at a time. I'm going to start putting the 'Cast together in bits and pieces and we'll hope it'll be done by the usual weekday.
The doctors have no idea what's wrong with me.
At times like this I wish I smoked so I'd at least have an excuse. Of course, the scary excuse is this one.
Posted by
2:30 PM
Labels: Newsy Bits
Posted by
3:15 PM
Labels: Frankenstein
I tried my best to eliminate the background noise in the interviews you'll hear. I found it easier to hear on headphones on my machine.
I hope it works for you too.
What you'll hear about: My Bag!
DeeDee's Racoon
Leslie and her fiber!Janel Laidman's Class (Chameleon Color Works!)
Jennie of the Lace and Upcoming Book
Posted by
1:49 PM
Labels: SOAR
The September donors who will receive sock yarn from CheekyRedHead or a CraftLit charm from Jen Minnis Designs are:
Beverly of CT's name was drawn to receive Sock Yarn! (YAY! General rowdiness!)
Lauren of CA's name was drawn to receive the CraftLit charm! (Huzzah! Much rejoicing!)
We'll be getting those things out to you asap.
Today we end Tristan and Isolde (sob). We ALSO have a treat from Listener Jen Massey who recorded a retelling of Tristan and Isolde by Robin Williamson in a book called The Wise and Foolish Tongue.
We ALSO (o there's so much!) will soon have a series of Haute Men of CraftLit goodies, again, thanks to Jen Minnis—our resident artsy type, Erin, Dawn and the irrepressible Heidi—humor wordsmiths extraordinaré. Bless their talent!
And Kate, member of The Boogie Knights, singers of "Tristan The Knight So Brave"! I LOVE the member names on this page!
And next week...SOAR, then...Frankenstein!!!
Posted by
11:37 AM
Labels: Tristan and Isolde
I score a Weavette (Weave-It...Weavit?); CheekyRedHead makes some LOVELY sock yarn for you (if you donate in the month of September);Jen has charms for the September Donation Drawing as well.
This episode: Isolde floats (like small rocks or bits of wood) or doesn't burn like...not-a-witch..., Tristan finds a Fairy Dog, and then finds another Isolde!
The drama!
Next week is the end of ol' T&I...then on to The Romantics and Frankenstein!
I heard that the audio is off on the last two. Anyone who can send specifics, please do, so. I'm trying to figure this one out...
Note Note:
Got it. It's going to take me a bit, but rest assured, I'll be uploading fixed episodes while at SOAR.
Posted by
1:29 PM
Labels: Tristan and Isolde crochet (thank you to Dawn for sending the link); welcome to our new sponsor, Knitting Out Loud;a new LYS opens here; what's up with the Weavettes?!; a little info on the insular Celtic languages (thank you Cheeky!); and if you have Nyquil, please send it.
And, of course, don't forget to donate during the last months of the year! You'll be entered in the drawing for the Jen Minnis charms (check out her website button the on the right!) and also SOCK YARN from CheekyRedhead! (It's like buttah.)
Posted by
10:47 AM
Labels: Tristan and Isolde
Sad news.
A sorority sister of mine (long story for later) just found out that her husband, the sold breadwinner of her family, has pancreatic cancer.
I don't have to tell you what this means, right?
He is undergoing chemo, but their insurance sitatuion is tenuous. He's a freelance writer.
PLEASE, check out their auction. Friends, family, strangers, are all donating things for them to auction to support the family in this horrible time.
If you see something you like, please bid. If you'd like to donate something or some service, please contact me at MamaOKnits [at] gmail [dot] com.
And thank you for your understanding. I wouldn't come to you like this if it weren't serious.
And my maiden name was Hutchinson. They don't know me from Ordover.
Posted by
7:38 PM
Labels: Newsy Bits
I learn more from the best source--that would be YOU.
So here are the cool links: the mag that likes us, the improvement on creating knitting graph paper, Tristan's Leap, and an artist's rendition of the same, Glastonbury, it's Abbey and history, and some of the Arthurian accouterments, and I forgot to mention a blog to watch and a piece of knitting that is as spectacular as it is ingenious.
And, of course, your Liminal Space.
Posted by
7:40 PM
Labels: Tristan and Isolde
Today we learn a bit from our very own Medieval Scholar, Kate, take a look at the Tristan Stone, draw as though we know what we're doing, check out a sock calculator and learn the dimensions to create knitting graph paper on Excel (that would be column width 0.1" and row height .067").
Don't forget to take a gander at the gorgeous pieces Jen created! And another good Arthur/Tristan-y book: White Raven by Diana L. Paxson. OH! And check out who's on our t-shirt heels!!
And some fibery-luvvins from Sandra--her new babies:
Here's the Thirty-one Rules via Kate (and quite a few of you industrious listeners!):
Andreas Capellanus: The Art of Courtly Love, (btw. 1174-1186)
[The Art of Courtly Love], Book Two: On the Rules of Love
1. Marriage is no real excuse for not loving.
2. He who is not jealous cannot love.
3. No one can be bound by a double love.
4. It is well known that love is always increasing or decreasing.
5. That which a lover takes against his will of his beloved has no relish.
6. Boys do not love until they arrive at the age of maturity.
7. When one lover dies, a widowhood of two years is required of the survivor.
8. No one should be deprived of love without the very best of reasons.
9. No one can love unless he is impelled by the persuasion of love.
10. Love is always a stranger in the home of avarice.
11. It is not proper to love any woman whom one should be ashamed to seek to marry.
12. A true lover does not desire to embrace in love anyone except his beloved.
13. When made public love rarely endures.
14. The easy attainment of love makes it of little value; difficulty of attainment makes it prized.
15. Every lover regularly turns pale in the presence of his beloved.
16. When a lover suddenly catches sight of his beloved his heart palpitates.
17. A new love puts to flight an old one.
18. Good character alone makes any man worthy of love.
19. If love diminishes, it quickly fails and rarely revives.
20. A man in love is always apprehensive.
21. Real jealousy always increases the feeling of love.
22. Jealousy, and therefore love, are increased when one suspects his beloved.
23. He whom the thought of love vexes, eats and sleeps very little.
24. Every act of a lover ends with in the thought of his beloved.
25. A true lover considers nothing good except what he thinks will please his beloved.
26. Love can deny nothing to love.
27. A lover can never have enough of the solaces of his beloved.
28. A slight presumption causes a lover to suspect his beloved.
29. A man who is vexed by too much passion usually does not love.
30. A true lover is constantly and without intermission possessed by the thought of his beloved.
31. Nothing forbids one woman being loved by two men or one man by two women.
Posted by
10:24 AM
Labels: Tristan and Isolde
Fun music for you (lyrics too!), a crafty article for you that you simply won't believe! (Thank you to Winglake.)
The next two Tristan stories (we're getting to the lovey-dovey stuff...don't worry!) for today, "The Morholt" and "The Quest for the Lady with the Hair of Gold".
And, a new T-Shirt?
Posted by
9:05 AM
Labels: Tristan and Isolde
Libsyn, my host site, has been down all day. AS SOON as I can upload the file, iTunes will have it. Until then, all I can do is offer you the GCast player in the upper right corner of this web page.
Apologies all around.
My Lords, if you would hear a high tale of love and of death, here is that of Tristan and Queen Isolde (Iseult), how to their full joy, but to their sorrow also, they loved each other and how at last they died of that love together upon one day, she by him, and he by her.By Joseph BedierTranslated by H. Belocq
Posted by
2:26 PM
Labels: Tristan and Isolde
First, once again, HUGE thanks to Julie who allowed me a much needed period of rest last week before the madness began again this week. I hope y'all scoot over to listen to Forgotten Classics too! (That Heyer woman is a hoot!)
Things I rambled about: Kohlberg's Morality Stages (I mentioned this before, right? It's soooo kewl!), anaphora, Iago.
And next...Tristan and Isolde! The High Drama of Chivalric Romance Will Commence!
There's More!
Julie, our guest host, had this to say about 300:
Now, about 300. It is NOT like the Terminator movies. For one thing the photography is a thing of beauty even if you don't like the movie. For another, yes there is a lot of shouting and sword fighting but the emphasis is on love of a husband and wife for each other, for their family, their city, their country and their culture. Drawn in broad terms, granted, but we ARE talking about Spartans here. Not a lot of subtlety. As well as the comic book version. Also not known for subtlety.
However, when we began watching it, it was clear that this movie was being drawn in heroic, epic terms. That made me instantly think of how the Spartans themselves would have thought and told the story ... in fact, the story is being told by a Spartan. Watching the whole movie as being seen through their eyes made the movie entirely enjoyable for me, as well as those themes mentioned above.
Heavens, look at how much I wrote. Not that I'm passionately defending it or anything! :-D
Posted by
4:26 PM
Labels: Tale of Two Cities
I'm on Vacation, but here are links Julie mentioned for y'all:
Knitting Vintage Socks by Nancy Bush
(yes, I said Barbara Walker and I was so very WRONG!)
Cables Untangled
(see the cover? THAT'S the afghan I'm knitting for Rose)
LOST Reading Project: The Turn of the Screw by Henry James
Meanwhile, Back in the Kitchen
Forgotten Classics
And...for reasons I'm not aware of...iTunes and Windows Media Player hates our Audacity file. I'll fill you in on why I can't fix it pronto this Wednesday. However, the player on this site is working here if you can, and I'll fix the problem asap.
Posted by
5:17 PM
Labels: Tale of Two Cities
Not to get all Biblical on you, but Becky and I were exchanging verses. Check out Psalms 90:17 and Proverbs 31:10+.
That's right! You go, Girl!
A little Joan
A little Whangdoodle
And the Girl from Auntie hypotenuse thingy.
And don't forget to download Episode 64a, which contains the third chapter for this 'cast--another one you would have killed me for not getting to. Never say I don't take your feelings to heart.
Posted by
5:13 PM
Labels: Tale of Two Cities
Posted by
10:38 AM
Labels: Tale of Two Cities
I race through and opening and a closing to bring you two huge chapters. Why? Because—honestly—if I didn't, you'd kill me...we're SO close!
To stave off your appetite until next week, you can watch
this goofy movie. Before there was a Blazing Saddle...before Frankenstein was Young...there were...The Corsican Brothers.
Posted by
3:02 PM
Labels: Tale of Two Cities
Here's the car with a clutch.
Posted by
8:58 AM
Labels: Tale of Two Cities
A VERY BELATED congratulations to Teresa and Rachael for their Knitting Nightmares. If you're interested in a look-see, you can view the Knitty pattern Teresa used, "Blaze" and here's a pic of the completed...item.
Posted by
6:24 AM
Labels: Tale of Two Cities
I come back to earth after my SAWP experience, find a favorite writer, learn not to fear Lucie's hair and find that I have to read a chapter to save you from mispronunciations that were simply too too odious.
Book The Third, Chapters three through five (and two of 'em from Andy)!
Posted by
2:03 PM
Labels: Tale of Two Cities
Apologies to all, but I have been broadsided at work. I tried to get to the 'cast last night and was so bleary eyed I couldn't actually read the GarageBand screen or the text of the chapter. Tonight's going to be a long one too.
However, the good news is that We Have More Andy Minter for the next couple of episodes. The bad news is the chapter that precedes him is so hideous that I'm going to have to record it myself. I simply cannot make you listen to someone pronouncing "Defarge" as "Deh-far-jay" for a whole chapter. And not only that, but it's a chapter where the name is said close to a million times.
Not that I'm prone to hyperbole.
Regardless, and embarrassingly in a week where there's no 'Cast, I need to send my heartfelt thanks out to donors from the week:
Lauren of California
Patty of Indiana (I think)
And, as always
Heidi of...well...her own special world.
Next week--two shows to make up for this (and I'll finish editing the special surprise interview for you too asap)!!!
Posted by
5:59 PM
Labels: Tale of Two Cities
Tonight we begin book three.
Tomorrow I conduct a new (surprise) interview. You'll not believe who...
I'm starting a blogroll of supporter/subscribers, so if you've sent in a donation and have a blog, please let me know so I can link to it!
I fight (and beat?) the specter of grammar education—and exhaust my wussy self in the process!
Ooh, and go here to see a Dragoon. NICE uniform! Here's David Brin's Earth. Some wild art for you!
And just a little quote to compare someone we all know with the French Revolution:
"God forbid we should ever be twenty years without such a rebellion.
The people cannot be all, and always, well informed. The part which is
wrong will be discontented, in proportion to the importance of the facts
they misconceive. If they remain quiet under such misconceptions,
it is lethargy, the forerunner of death to the public liberty. ...
And what country can preserve its liberties, if it's rulers are not
warned from time to time, that this people preserve the spirit of
resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as
to the facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost
in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time, with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure."
Posted by
7:43 PM
Labels: Tale of Two Cities
Heather has a close encounter with the OED, some frustrating times getting SAWPed, makes progress on a Clapotis, regresses on a warp, and falls in love (all over again) with Jane Eyre. Thanks to Becky (my Bastille Babe), Tikabelle, Irish Clover, Paper, Knitting2Relax, Teresa (my doppelganger), Heidi, and Julie--don't forget to swing by her Podcast!
Next week--should all go according to plan--another bonus interview for you and (finally) the Knitting Disaster Essays! (There's still room for more! Send 'em in!)
And again, many thanks for your donations and support. Especially now when I'm not-quite-so-gainfully-employed, it's a blessing.
Posted by
8:02 PM
Labels: Tale of Two Cities
Bach's Goldberg Variations, writers are fun to hang out with, but you're afraid of our competition, My first Odeo! Looking for a dime and trying not to be a martyr. (Now you'll have to listen. That won't make any sense otherwise!)
Disclaimer for this week's episode below.
Get your pattern in the Knitting Pattern-a-day Calendar* and go check out Plato and a Platypus Walk Into a Bar... a really scary article Teresa sent in, To be or not to be? At U.S. colleges, it's increasingly 'not' :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Other Views
OH! I forgot to say on the 'Cast--there's still one knitting book out there just waiting for a knitting disaster story. I have two...will you be the third?! Send 'em in. Don't be shy!
Oh, and Chapters 21 and 22 of Book the Second! But, sadly, no Chip or Andy...not this week. They'll be back though. Promise!
Don't forget to check out Julie's podcast!
*The 411: $500 will be awarded as First place for both calendars; there are also 2nd and 3rd place prizes; and all contributors whose patterns are used will receive a 2009 calendar. Please go to our website at http://www.knittingpatternaday
Good luck--and let me know if you win!!!
The "teacher as martyr" reference comes from an article I read years ago--and an idea that's still being discussed--that teachers are only "allowed" to fall into two categories: martyrs and saints. It went on to say that in any other profession this would be unacceptable, but that for some reason, teachers tend to work (and work well) within those confines. Which means when they no longer have the time or energy to be either, they have to quit. I am not saying that all teachers are martyrs, just that there are some (myself included) who fit that category. There are others (rarely ELA teachers) who manage to have a life and be a teacher. I could never find the balance. Follow up with this entry from Michael Fullan's book, Change Forces.
Posted by
7:58 PM
Labels: Tale of Two Cities
With love to my family and especially my sons who remind me often that they are my very best things.
I get a little verklempt about Ovid as Theatre.
Today, a little rambling, what I'll do with the start of my "summer vacation", the return of Andy and Chip! (Did I tell you I wrote fan mail to Chip? He didn't write back. My heart is broken.)
Chapters 18, 19, and 20 of Book The Second...we're closing in on that revolution, folks!
Posted by
4:56 PM
Labels: Tale of Two Cities
And, um...weaving too.
Like I needed another pastime...
Begging for a knitted farm.
And did I tell you about this fantastic book?!
And, finally, I have to share my Sock Yarn Love from Katie's store (this is Desert Olive and Sincerity in the Juliet yarn, 75% superwash and 25% nylon...and it's so soft you'll wonder where they hid the nylon...). Yay Katie!
And a belated thank you to Rachael who dyed some sock yarn for me--gorgeous Kool Aid colors! MORE SOCKS! Whoo hoo! (And Rachael, if your DH convinces you to come to AZ--and you's a dry heat--be sure to let me know when and where!)
And the essay I refer to in the 'Cast.
Don't forget. If you want a copy of When Bad Things Happen to Good Knitters you have to send me your most outrageous knitting horror story. My sister and husband--impartial to the intricacies of knitting and your names, but very good writers--will pick the three best for me to read on the next episode, and those three lucky folks will receive their own copy. Gratis! (You can thank the publishing company.)
Posted by
3:05 PM
Labels: Tale of Two Cities
Soon (I hope) I'll post an interview with Jessica of new website for knitters and crocheters which is in Beta now. You can sign up on the waiting list, though. And,'ll probably want to.
But don't let the definition make your head hurt--notice the odd little usage overlap below? Ow!
And, because I'm still an English Teacher at heart:
A little art to make you think...
Debra sent in a "convergence of art, science, and craft." Really. Pics here.
"HoyaGirl" left a message I couldn't reply to asked if she should go ahead and start the paperwork for her Clear Credential. My thoughts: It's never too early to start banging your head against the bureaucratic wall that is Public Education--it's a noble sort of calling that I'm proud to call my own.
My former student Anahad, and my Sister have BOTH released books this month!
And an amazing bird for you and a huge elephant seal!
Posted by
5:59 PM
Labels: Tale of Two Cities
Our humble podcast has been graced by the Editor-in-Chief of SoHo Publishing's Knit.1 magazine—Adina Klein (SoHo also does Vogue Knitting and Knit Simple).
Aside from being awful fun to talk to, Adina is a knitter, crocheter, painter, sketcher, purveyor of fine books (new ones!), and--my fave--a Nationally Ranked Scrabble Champ.
How cool is that!?!
We might get a chance to talk to her again later this year. I'll keep you posted.
So, kick back, enjoy a peek into the secret world of Knitting Mag creation, then go get yourself a copy of Knit.1's new Green Issue. Chock full-a good stuff.
And for those who are non-knitters (I know you're out there!) you may want to take a look at the instructions at the back of the magazine. They're so clear, it may convince you to pick up some pointy sticks.
I'm off to weave for a bit.
No, really!
Direct link (in case iTunes muffed it again).
Posted by
7:23 PM
Labels: Tale of Two Cities
NOTE: Glitches on 52 and 53 have been fixed--re-download Episode Fifty-two and Episode Fifty-three and all will be well. (And Verizon really does suck, but they didn't make the glitch.)
Show notes for 52 and 53 are jumbled in here.
Sorry 'bout that...
I'll tell you what!
Check this out--thank you Jenna!
Don't forget to visit ShopYarnLove! New yarns coming soon! Nummy! And grab a t-shirt while you're at it!
Updates on Turning Forty (yeah, it's in caps) and how much I miss The Met.
On Sale!
My wonderful Daddy!
Hope you caught the interview with Adina Klein from Knit1 we got in on the get-out-the-word event for their new "Green" issue (seriously, NAYY, you should pick this one up--even if you don't knit). Can I tell you how excited (read: terrified) I was?
A badger for a Swap Buddy and more on that on my regular blog.
My Goofy (see the fifth comment) Sister. (And Cool Rosslyn Church Info and video!)
When Knitters Come Unhinged. (Dark Lord? Cute?)
Anything in your life feel like a circle of hell? Take a look at The Onion. I loved this and found it again recently when emailing with a listener. Clevah!
For you Golden Compass Fans—My Dæmon (and my fear of "children in peril):
I think you can click there or here and either agree or disagree with it's shape--then watch it transform.
A cool French Revolution short story! Thanks G-Nina!
And, never least!
An Episode Fifty-two link to Becky's work at Librivox. Without here, I kid you not, you'd all be sitting there this week saying, "HUH?! WHA???". Bless you Becky, for saving our ears! I'll play you out with her rendition of "The Tuft of Flowers" by Robert Frost. Her fave.
Posted by
2:24 PM
Labels: Tale of Two Cities
Well, here's the thing:
Technology is only good when it works.
Last night I recorded the entire blasted podcast, realized the audio on the chapters was too low, saved the file to wait until this morning to fix and upload.
I just went into the file to fix it up and post it and...
What file?
WHAT file?
Why then, you may ask, is she not just fixing it/re-recording it now?
Because my husband is whisking me away in minutes to go to NYC for my birthday weekend!
That good.
I get to go here, and eat here, and sing here, and see my friends here.
I am happy.
I'm sorry about the podcast though.
Monday, I'll record an interview, re-record the podcast, and all will be well.
I hope YOU have a great weekend too!
Posted by
7:22 PM
Labels: Tale of Two Cities
Hey, do me a favor, wouldja? Click on that Popcurrent thingy in the right margin (here if you're looking at Libsyn).
And take a look at this very useful sock page (I I obsessed?).
I'm freaking people out with my Hufflepuff Sock (What is that...a BADGER?!). Spinning a buncha llama, in public no less. Trying not to lose my mind when I go for a week at a time without talking to another adult. And being very sad over losing Vera.
Take a look here for help on French Titles. And enjoy Book 2, Chapter IX, The Gorgon's Head.
Posted by
3:36 PM
Labels: Tale of Two Cities
Waiting for word on the t-shirt glitch. I'll post here when I know more.
From Katie: I got a notice yesterday that CaféPress experienced storage and backup failure recently. My guess is our image was a part of the ones they were unable to restore. I still have a copy, so I’ll get those products put back up later on today.
I'm about to head out to see the oral surgeon AGAIN. My mouth is still stuffed with gauze and my head is stuffed iwth Vicodan (which, sadly, ain't workin' too well).
Today it's just the chapters. I'm sorry about that, but I'll post what tidbits I can here. And, honestly, you wouldn't be able to understand me talk about these chapters a sadder note, my friend Jeannie Townsend (of sock creating fame) who has given away literally thousands of sock patterns for free, is now supporting son and grandson (this would be the third grandchild she is raising!!). She is now trying to pay the light bill by selling a sock pattern. She's able to accept PayPal for $5 to JeanTownsend [at] earthlink [dot] net. Let her know in the note line that you'd like the Gold Sock Pattern.
She also donated a sock pattern which now comes free with the purchase of yarn from the Astrid Dutch Obsessions web site.
Some interesting info from Sandi (who, like me, should take up a collection for an OED):
I was just listening to episode 48, and I was curious about the last line in Congratulatory, which describes the winding sheet of the candle dripping onto Carton's sleeve. I got that it's an obvious omen of death, but I just couldn't wrap my head around how it would be possible to combine a burial shroud and a candle. So, I did a little internet searching and found this explanation:
“[a] mass of solidified drippings of grease clinging to the side of a candle, resembling a sheet folded in creases, and regarded in popular superstition as an omen of death or calamity” (OED).
Apparently, in Scottish tradition the same association is made between candle drippings and death:
"The common tallow candle in burning often gutters, and the tallow runs over the edge and down the side of the candle. It soon hardens. When the flame consumes the candle, at times the little column formed by the gutter is left standing unconsumed on the edge of the candle. It is called a "coffin-spehl," and is looked upon with suspicion as portending a death in the family at no very distant period."
Based on those two bits of folklore, I'm guessing that there is an association between candle drippings and burial shrouds because: a) the creased wax simply resembles the cloth of a shroud, and b) this creased wax is what remains of the candle after the flame has burnt out, the extinguishing of light, of course, being symbolic of death.
Some words for this chapter:
escutcheon the shield of a family crest.
"the merry Stuart who sold it" That was Charles II.
Convulsionists Um...think "Holy Rollers," an ecstatic religious group
Some words here:
the heavy drag a carriage brake
the chase the hunt
the chain of the shoe chain connected to the brake (shoe)
Posted by
7:02 PM
Labels: Tale of Two Cities
And So It Goes...
I recorded last night and woke up today to find that Kurt Vonnegutpassed away last night. It's like my own personal Mark Twain died. So sad.
I started reading Vonnegut when I was in fifth grade. My parents let me read almost all of his books (except Player Piano) and I literally wolfed them down--most of them I've reread at some point. He wrote a two page "how to write" flyer that I THINK is still in my box of "school junk". Brilliant.
I'm so sorry he's not public domain. We wont be able to listen to him here, but I so deeply urge you to pick up something he wrote. Slaughterhouse Five (riffs on his experiences IN a Dresden meat locker (!) during our (secret) WWII bombing campaign) or Cat's Cradle (riffs on life, the universe, and everything) are good places to start.
"See? damn damn cradle..."
Posted by
7:31 AM
Labels: Tale of Two Cities
We have a SHIRT!
Take pics of yo' bad self in a shirt and send the pics to me! I'll post them on the blog...just don't expect one of me on that new glass walk-way over the Grand Canyon
And, please visit to support Katie who has "shirted" us.
And Carrie left this note:
More random information for you - the Bedlam mental hospital in London still exists - it is now a building called Salisbury House off London Wall and Finsbury Circus in central London and houses several law firms' offices among other things including the London office of the company I work for! (you might say not much change there then!). Although the office parts have been altered and updated the stairwells are still much as I imagine they always have been complete with tiled walls and it is a very strange mixture of a building to walk around in.
"With over a million hits to in its first few months, we knew this program was going to be something special," Patty Parrish, Executive Director of TNNA, explains. "Stitch N' Pitch is sweeping the Nation. The response from baseball Clubs, the needlearts industry and fans is overwhelming. Stitch N' Pitch creates a unique and fun environment for families, singles, couples, old, young, kids, women and yes, even men!"
Watch carefully and you might "catch" a knitting contest, team mascots wearing handmade colorful scarves, images of men knitting, counted cross-stitch frames, teaching tables full of children learning how to needlepoint, a Ceremonial 1st Pitch with a ball of yarn and so much more!! Special Stitch N' Pitch gift bags, giveaways and surprises will round out each fantastic event. Local needlearts retailers, wholesalers, guilds and groups will come by car, bus and train to be a part of this new American phenomenon - Stitch N' Pitch!
Enter Creative & Fun Contest - Just for the Fans!!
CRAFT Magazine's Stitch N' Pitch Contest! The contest is open to everyone to enter in their own baseball theme craft in the categories of knitting, crochet, needlepoint, cross-stitch, and embroidery. The contest kicks-off on April 4th with the deadline for submissions on May 31st.
Posted by
2:57 PM
Labels: Tale of Two Cities
I've cleaned up the craft room!
Can I get an "Amen"?
And I've got more Chip for you today!
And I've got a lot of cooking to do! Good thing that deadline is past!
We weigh in on Mdm. DeF's knitting choices, Cast on for Kenya, and generally enjoy some more Dickens!
NOTE: There may be the same problem with this week's file. Try downloading again...sorry!
The Kenya Info:
HIV positive children in Kenya need
blankets to keep them warm at night and to keep fever at bay, and
also simply to have a soft, comforting object of their very own.
These children own almost nothing, and a blanket handmade with care
especially for them would show them that someone, even someone very
far away, cares.
This blanket drive is part of the Slum Doctor Program, a grassroots
organization whose mission is "to lift the burden of despair for
people impacted by AIDS in Africa by providing hope, medicine, food,
education, and dignity." For more information visit We're asking that blankets be made of a natural fiber or high quality acrylic, so they will be easy to keep clean, and that they be sized for children ages 0-8. We're also
asking that if you do plan to cast on for Kenya, you email The blankets will be brought to Kenya by
volunteers, and they need to have an estimate of how many they will
be carrying with them. The deadline for donations is June 15th.
Finished blankets should be sent to the Slum Doctor Program, P.O. Box
2156, Bellingham, WA 98227-2156.
Posted by
6:20 PM
Labels: Tale of Two Cities
Gotta love the old OED. If only I could afford one...
In my quest for a Parisian/Dickensian map, I found this, and this, and this, but no map that would help us much.
But I did find the links to two video versions: the better reviewed of the two—GO CHRIS SARANDON (he's more than just a Humperdink!); and
this one which didn't get panned, but...well...BOO Bad hair miniseries!
Your challenge! WWMDK?
I feel a Cafe Press T-shirt coming on...don't you?
Wouldn't this be handsome?
With a big:
What Would Madame Defarge Knit?
blazing underneath?
And me?
I knit socks.
Even in line at a theme park.
And I think I may have to get a Weavette. Bad Heather.
Posted by
7:55 PM
Labels: Tale of Two Cities
O how I want a bumper sticker!
And hey--ANDY MINTER! What a mensch, eh?
I belive I promised you links to Antioch Univeristy, MicroRevolt and the KnitPro doohicky, and Heavenly Creatures.
And now? Off to La Disneylandia!
Posted by
9:12 PM
Labels: Tale of Two Cities
O how many different ways can I bring you joy? Really, only one way:
To bring Chip (Mister Sleepy Hollow to you) back as a reader.
Today BOTH chapters are his.
Happily my husband's not even jealous...maybe because I've not told him.
Little else to show for myself this week, unless you want me to upload some of the curriculum I'm on deadline for?
I have no idea why!
Erqsome (who I think has the most kickin' email address I've seen) sent some great Dickensian links for us to enjoy.
A Finnish site.
A UCSC site.
An INCREDIBLE map page (must see!).
And the ToTC companion page to the map.
Things I had to cut:
Perhaps the coolest thing to come off of my SnB callendar EVER.
My son's gonna be on this! (but we have no idea when...)
And just 'cuz I'm feelin' it...I love these guys...
Posted by
1:56 PM
Labels: Tale of Two Cities
You'll need to know a few things, like...
What's a blunderbuss?
This, this is a blunderbuss.
This is Chuck.
Who was Mrs. Southcott?
She was an English spiritualist.
What was the Cock-Lane Ghost?
One of the first ever psychic scams. Read about it. You'll find MANY different versions on the web.
This is the issue of Spin-Off that I need two bloody pages's the Sock thing from Stasia which I thought was very helpful. Check out Pandora and
And in both the "any publicity is good publicity" and the "I've never heard of an idea so dangerous it couldn't be talked about" departments: the Librarians have lost their minds! Anyone remember Are You There God? It's Me Margaret? Anyone? Anyone?
And if you have the travel bug:
West Coast Folks. East Coast Folks.
And don't forget: WWMDFK?
(What Would Madame DeFarge Knit?)
Think on't.
Thanks to our readers Michael Sirois and Kara Shalinberg.
And, finally:
Spinneret's cogent and I think important note on "Screw":
From various sources -
As in England, early lawmakers in this country adopted 10 as the age of consent.
The age of consent in England was raised from 12 (which is what it was when James was born in 1843) to 13 in 1875 and then to 16 in 1886.
The Factory Act from 1844 reduced the hours of work for children between 8 and 13 to six and a half a day, either in the morning or afternoon, no child being allowed to work in both on the same day, except on alternate days, and then only for ten hours
The Factory Act, 1891 raising the minimum age at which a child can be set to work from ten to eleven.
So the perspective on children was a little different at that point, T.O.T.S. (funny that) being published in 1898. Accepting that these children are not from the working class they still would not have fallen under the societal view as young innocents.
Thanks for the great read.
Posted by
8:05 PM
Labels: Tale of Two Cities
Posted by
7:13 AM
Labels: Newsy Bits
The Library page on the new site includes a listing of all of our books to date along with links to the audio files and show notes.
CraftLit also has a new iPhone/iTouch app! Get all the audio and extras sent straight to your phone!